"Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..." Galatians 6:14
4515 Beckley Road, Battle Creek, MI
Welcome to South Side Bible Church!
Our church strives to be a local, biblical, Christ Centered church that honors the Lord. Our church desires to be consistent with the Word of God and focus on Jesus' work through the cross accessed by faith.
If you do not know the Lord please know that there is Good News! Jesus, the very Son of God, who gave himself on the cross for sinners such as you or I. We have all sinned and have fallen short of God's righteous requirements, but Jesus himself gave his life to make a trade for us; his righteousness traded for our sin. He took our sin and through faith offers his righteousness.
We are saved by God's grace not through good deeds. We stand before him in the righteousness and goodness of Jesus Christ. We live through that grace every day. We seek to please him and obey him as our Lord and savior not because we "have to" for salvation, but because we are saved.
Trust the Lord and find a new life!