"Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ..." Galatians 6:14
4515 Beckley Road, Battle Creek, MI
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Our Pastors...
Pastor Mike Brown / Pastor Mike and his wife cindy have been an intergral part of SSBC for 30 years. Mike recieved his BA in Pastoral Studies from Calvary Bible College, and a Masters in Ministry from Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.
Contact Pastor Mike here.

Pastor Rick McNally / Pastor Rick was born and raised in Battle Creek, growing up on the city's north side. Rick recieved his BA in Bible Theology from Moody Bible Institute. Rick has been in youth/family ministry for 20+ years, and has been a part of SSBC for 12+. Rick and Katherine have five children.
Our Church Distinctives
Our Church is Christ Centered
Our devotion, worship and our attention is centered on Jesus Christ, who is Savior, Lord, Teacher and Friend. We believe that we are to put Christ first in the life of our church. Through the ministries of the Spirit, the Word of God, and the Church we become his followers and disciples

Our Church is Bible Focused
We believe that the Scriptures alone are our authority for our faith and practice. We believe that the Scriptures are God's Word, inspired by him, and ought be the focus of our ministries.

Our Church is Evangelical
We believe in being both orthodox in our beliefs, and we believe that all individuals need to personally come to faith in Jesus Christ. We belive in the Gospel of Christ and desire to see Jesus' Great Commission fullfiled.

Our Church is Servant Led
We believe that servanthood is the proper attitude for leadership in the Church. Leaders are to follow the example of Jesus Christ, the ultimate servant-leader.